Falling in Love with Love

Education is giving the insight, value and tools to navigate life,
Our Life Lessons.
If I was recycled & came back in a young new body, I’d like to have my DNA infused with a helpful toolbox of life lessons that I’ve learned up to now. Till then, we must teach our children well
0. Kindness, Love and Bubbling Joy of Life
1. How to really Learn. How to go about Truely discovering & understanding the process, inner workings essence of something  small and vast. Tips on how to develop recall?
2. How to record an experience into memory and be able to access it as needed
2. How to Hear and Listen from the heart, the sounds around us
3. How to See, the shades, dimensions, colors, tones
4. How to know the ringing of truth
5. How to create and being creative, expressive
6. The value and process of Being
7. How to use the Heart
8. Know basic survival techniques
9. Basic needs and functions of the body
10. Value of Connection
11. How to know one’s value
12. Learn process of visualization
13. How to know, identify and avoid charlatans, avoid pointless dead end endeavours
14. Process of utilizing and developing instinct
15. Knowing the importance to question and purpose of questioning. How asking the finely tuned question will lead you to your goals
16. Understand the Value of the measure of Time and the eternal Now.
17. How to get to see through the eyes of another. Learn viewing from different perspectives of a bird, a fish, All living creatures
18. Utilizing recorded knowledge.  Accessing Historical lessons
19. The value of values and what they are
20. Study the Arts, Music Literature
21. Selflessness’s Joy and rewards
22. Vulnerability is a strength
23. Self defense utilizing Love, Natural laws and basic self protections overcome and master fears
24. Everything is energy. Dancing Atoms
25. Be the creator and producer of your life’s choices movie

What Would Churchill do?

What did Winston Churchill, the Prime Minister of Great Britain during WII , do when he learned from his IC/ Intelligence Community that Germany was planning to bomb London at a certain time?  Prepare a defensive plan, of course.
What is our plan of defense against Putin’s current plan to further attack the United States of America?  Continue with Active Measures since he has had success with this method?

A high level person who has proven over the time I have followed him on Twitter, has Intelligence Community contacts who have shared their view of what current cold war attack that Putin is planning. I am putting this here for your consideration.

     “From IC friend; The Kremlin has stepped up covert influence campaigns against the left on social media, using fake opposition & ‘social justice’ as cover to run their opponents out of DC (see: Sen. Franken), and by leveraging compromised Dem politicians.

     Moscow increasingly sees the GOP as dead-in-the-water, and is now looking to corrupt the left to continue inflicting havoc on our politics long enough to dismantle the liberal democratic order.

    There is little difference between alt-right’s ‘America first’ FP doctrine & far- left’s FP doctrine of slashing US defense spending & increasing social spending— or withdrawing US from it’s global security mission for domestic political programs.

     Information warfare experts in St. Petersburg believe segments of the US electorate on the left can be manipulated with similar success as segments on the far-right were during 2016.

     Jury is out on whether they hope to sabotage the left by promoting platforms & candidates who are unelectable to aid right-wing candidates, or if they plan to focus on controlling the left now that the right has been caught & exposed.

     Social media manipulation using bots is at the highest levels since 2016. Conversations & discord on both sides of the Twitter algorithmic divide are being controlled, steered, manipulated, and inflamed by Kremlin + US trolls.

     Some MSM outlets/journalists have been compromised and are helping inflame electorate segments. Additionally, some of the larger outlets have hired PR firms to attack & discredit citizen journalists on social media in an attempt to protect their outdated business models.

     The Kremlin may try to promote unelectable or inexperienced candidates who can either be torn down/controlled (much like tRUmp is) by kompromat, or by using their inexperience & unwillingness to confront complicated foreign aggression, which helps Moscow’s plan(s).

    Currently, the biggest fear in the halls of the Kremlin is SECDEF Mattis becoming POTUS, which they see as a ‘game changer.’ They’re currently laying the social media infrastructure for a dezinformatsiya campaign against him + McMaster.

     Focus of this campaign will leverage Pres. Obama’s firing of Mattis to turn the left against him and towards an “identity politics candidate they can electorally defeat or control.

     Bottom line: Be weary of social media movements pushing suspicious narratives. Don’t fall for the lure of reverting to extremist politics like in 2016. And don’t help Moscow run its opponents out of DC like Dems did with Sen. Franken.

     We must put aside domestic politics & focus on saving the liberal democratic order. If we don’t, it will fall to tyranny. This isn’t hyperbole. Moscow doesn’t want the political center to rise up & become dominant. Keep that in mind going forward.”

If you do not believe my twitter friend, suggest reading the report public this week by the Senate Foreign Relations 
Committee. https://www.foreign.senate.gov/press/ranking/release/cardin-releases-report-detailing-two-decades-of-putins-attacks-on-democracy
Men and Women….

Be the one who is in search of the Truth
So when it comes across your path, you will recognize it.
Susan Whitney 



The Teacher in the movie, The Human Comedy 1943, says to her two young boys she has kept after class for quarreling about who’s better.

You’ll both learn that every man in the world is better than somebody else and not as good as somebody else.

In a Democratic society,  every man is equal to every other man up until the point of excursion and then every man is free to assert himself to do good or not. To grow noblely or foolishly. I’m eager for my boys and girls to exert themselves to do good and grow noblely.

I want you to understand that  each of you will begin to be real men and truely human and in spite of your differences with one another, you still respect one another. That is what it means to be civilized.”


Find the Truth Using Instinct

By @SMBWhitney

December 22, 2017

How to handle massive amounts of information? How to remain sane, be confident and choose the right course of action?

During this time of being overwhelmed with facts & fake news, how do we know fact from fiction?

2. Finding the Truth can seem to require background in law, finance, international relations, history, foreign language, criminal law, journalism, politics, religious studies, strategic planning, technology and more. How do we keep it simple? How do we know who to believe?

3. A big factor in the Solution is:

Rely on our natural born gift of “knowing” that we are all born with to help guide us to the Truth.

Police Officers call it, a gut feeling, instinct.
Journalists call it a hunch.
You get a chill, or hair stands up when you sense danger.

4. Since Star Wars is back in the mainstream, remember when Luke Skywalker was on an important mission to save the Republic from the Dark Lords in Episode IV

5 Just seconds from total planetary distruction, Luke the hero, recognizes a voice from inside his head of a wise friend roughly saying:
” Use the Force, Luke” the spirit of the Jedi Knight Obe Wan in Star Wars says to Luke in his still small voice, “Trust the Force”.

There is great legendary wisdom in those lines.

6. Focused on Truth. And when information comes to you do a gut check, or listen for the ring of Truth, or check your heart for validation.

You will find clarity, inner calm and see the world in a new way. And surprisingly seemingly complex issues seem clear. The Universe, Nature, the Force is helping you find your way.

Choosing to focus on Truth is a simple first step.

The Inspiring #TeamPatriot 

Running toward the dangerous lies.

Every person in every country that has made the Conscious Choice to Stand for Love Honor Truth throughout history are part of this Invincible Human Spirit Force Field built stronger by each generation and passed on through time.
Through selfless dedication of Professionals, Computer techs, Government workers, the Americans protesting, Researchers, Journalists, Healthcare professional, the Protectors, those working quietly behind the scenes, thousands, each giving in their own unique priceless way, and the Fiercely Brave Ones who risk everything including their lives, each are woven into a United Iridescent Spirit.

Fine Art America

Each eternally connected in the heart today in every moment. This commitment is renewed and strengthened moment by moment and we looknot only for a final victory but rather the daily connection we receive from each other working together with a common goal, creating balance and justice for all the days of our lives.
With Love and appreciation for each and everyone of you.

Susan Whitney
